The strap that stretches as you stretch. The Stretch Strap is made with elastic pockets that allow the user to ease into a stretch. Stretch Strap permits dynamic rather than static stretching. The strap is designed for facilitated stretching , an active form of stretching that uses isometric contractions to achieve greater flexibility gains than from static stretching. Reduces the need for a stretching partner. Provides stretching and relief for: Arthritis, Ankles, Plantar Fasciitis, Heel Spurs, Lower Back pain, Hamstrings, Ankles, Inner Thighs, Calves, Quadriceps, Osteoporosis, Knee pain and Inflexibility.
After the yoga blocks, yoga straps/yoga belts are the second most commonly used prop you will see in yoga classes. Yoga straps are often used as an extension of your arm/hand. They are great tools for working on flexibility so they are mostly used for stretching.