Ready to get started? Thousands of people worldwide have achieved the same results you're dreaming about and you can too! I have been practicing yoga for almost 8 years, but my true front split, side split and back bend are not going to where I wanted to be. Recently I tried easy flexibility's true front split, open front split, side split and back bend for intermediate, I would say my splits and back bend improved. Will continue to follow the programs so that I can Read more about review stating I have been practicing yoga get to the levels I wanted.Review by Shi B. on 13 Jun 2018 What you are getting: Access to 19 online training programs for your whole body, over 200 unique exercises, and over 9 hours of video lessons.Unlimited lifetime access to our community of practitioners and instructors (2000 people) where you can get guided personalized coaching to reach your goals. 19 PROGRAMS - OVER 200 UNIQUE EXERCISES FLEXIBILITY & STRENGTH ONLINE TRAINING COURSE This package contains the following programs: 1 Butterfly 2 Downward Facing Dog3 Back Bridge4 Visvamitrasana5 Bird Of Paradise6 Locust Scorpion7 Double Hamstrings8 Lord of the Dance9 True Front Split10 Side Split11 Plow Pose12 Cow Face Pose13 Eagle Pose14 King Pigeon Pose15 Elbow lever16 Forearm Stand17 Hand Stand18 Kurmasana19 Eka Pada Sirsasana The Butterfly Stretch In this Video you will learn everything that you need in order to get your butterfly stretch! If you can touch your toes this is the Program for you! This is a full follow along workout for fast butterfly stretch flexibility. Full Locust Pose, Locust Scorpion The standard method of mastering this pose, is to build up the backs strength with low Locust Pose, while working on the anterior chain flexibility, using basic poses. This process takes a long time. Our approach is different, we take each muscle used in the Locust Scorpion and take it apart, using Zaichik Stretching techniques. Than create space in each muscle, by using action vs action of the same muscle. This greatly speeds up the flexibility development. Downward dog The difficulty of this pose lies in its compound nature. To do this pose correctly a large number of muscles need to lengthen Fortunately Zaichik Stretching techniques specialize in focusing in on problematic muscles. Each one is taken apart and lengthened. Because the resistance is minimized, this is done very quickly. Most people see a huge difference, in just one training session. Back Bridge Upward Bow, Wheel Pose A standard way of mastering this exercise is attempt it from scratch with coach or partner lifting the athlete by the hip or worst by the lower back. Our program takes apart each joint and then each muscle articulating in each joint. Than each tissue is worked individually with Zaichik Stretching techniques to avoid the painful stretch reflex, while quickly lengthening the muscles, culminating in a beautiful Back Bridge. Get your Overhead Back Bridge Program Today! Visvamitrasana More often than not yogis wait till all of the above are develop to start practicing Visvamitrasana. Our approach combines the fast flexibility development of Zaichik Stretching techniques, with new and improved yoga progressions. The former take the pose apart into muscle groups. Each group is quickly stretched and lengthened. The later bring it all together into a beautiful target pose. Combining the Zaichik Stretching techniques and progression, allows for fast and safe mastery of Visvamitrasana. Svarga Dvidasana The Bird of Paradise Pose This program contains two components. Each one supports the other. First there is a special progression, which allows to build up to the pose using easy, step by step advancement. Second there are Zaichik Stretching techniques focusing on each target muscle. Zaichik Stretching used action vs action of the same muscle to avoid the pain of the stretch reflex and get flexible very quickly. At the same time, each muscle is take apart and stretched individually. Doing this allow to quickly spot the problem in the chain and focus in on it. Finally everything is put back together a complete pose emerges. Often the students feel a large difference just after one session. Double Hamstrings Flexibility In this Video you will learn everything that you need in order to get your hamstrings flexible! This is a full follow along workout for fast hamstrings double forward bend flexibility for beginner students Lord of the Dance, Dancers Pose The pose is broken up into muscle groups. Each muscle group is stretches using patentedtechniques. These techniques use action vs action of the same muscle. This application avoids the pain of the stretch reflex, allowing for much quicker and safer flexibility gains. Having lengthened each tissue by itself, the pose is put back together. Most people see amazing results just after the first time of trying this program. True Front Split While some people consider an Open Front Split more challenging, majority of the people who do the Open variation, have difficulty with this one. Vertualy all hip muscles are stretched, when the True Front Split is performed. The traditional method of working on this technique is to force the body down. In some schools the front leg is strained and then the rear leg. Our approach is different because we pick each joint action apart. (Hip Flexion through special techniques taking away the pain of stretch reflex, thus allowing much faster and safer progression. Side Split Flexibility Mobility exercises for each joint, to keep your joints healthy and lubricated. Specific warmup exercises to gradually prepare your body for a split. Zaichik Stretching Techniques for each muscle involved in a split, so that your flexibility improves right away without pain. Extended Length Conditioning exercises, so that you not only become flexible but strong as well. Reciprocal Inhibition, plus Movement and Habituation Techniques, for functional flexibility. Halasana The Plow Pose The standard yoga method of mastering this pose involves starting in the shoulder stand and slow lowering the legs down. This method works very slowly. This results in very slow flexibility gains. Fortunately Zaichik Stretching techniques specialize in focusing in on problematic muscles. Each one is taken apart and lengthened. Because the resistance is minimized, this is done very quickly. Action vs action of the same muscle group, allow to avoid the pain of the stretch reflex. One each muscle is lengthened, they are all put back together into a perfect Plow. Most people see a huge difference, in just one training session Cow Face Pose: Gomukhasana Flexibility Development Cow Face or Cow Head Pose, is called Gomukhasana in Sanskrit. This pose combines separate lower body and upper body lengthening positions into a single pose. When done on both sides, the Gomukhasana stretches virtually all the muscles of the shoulder and shoulder girdle. All the lateral muscles of the hip get the stretch as well. Standard yoga approach involves easy modification, which progress slowly to full pose. Zaichik Stretching takes a different approach. Each part of the pose (Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hips) are taken apart into separate muscle groups. Each muscle is targeted individually. This speeds up the flexibility gains substantially. More over Zaichik Stretching use action vs action of the same muscle approach (Very different from PNF). This approach allows to avoid the pain of the stretch reflex. Eagle pose The Eagle Pose is very unique. It allows to stretch very commonly untouched muscle groups. The deep six external rotators in the hips and upper back and shoulders. The Garudasana has a wide range of benefits, from relieving asthma and lower back pain to improving concentration and balance. Further more it's known to bring blood and energy flow to reproductive organs. The approach of this program is very different from standard yoga approaches. Instead of using other Asanas to prepare, Zaichik Stretches are used. This allows for quick break down of each muscle that need to be stretched in the pose. The tight one is isolated and quickly lengthened with muscle vs muscle actions. This allow to avoid stretch reflex and quickly gain flexibility. When the muscles are lengthened, the pose is put back together and progressed vary quickly to full Eagle Pose. Kapotasana King Pigeon Pose Traditionally Kapotasana is believed to be ideal for the female reproductive system and is recommended for women trying to conceive. It's a part of Ashtanga Intermediate series. Beyond therapeutic and yogic applications deep back bends allow for easier and more effective performance of skills involving stretching back. Martial arts, yoga, dance, figure skating and other disciplines can benefit from mastering this pose, if target skills involve back bending. In this program cutting edge While Zaichik Stretching techniques break the posture down into individual muscles and create space for pain-free, stretch reflex-free lengthening, progressions brings the skill together and move it to the next level. You get the best of both worlds and the fastest possible mastery of this postures. Get Your Kapotasana Program Today! Elbow Lever, Peacock Pose, Yoga or Mayurasana While strength is a component of this pose, flexibility is of outmost important. Many people master this pose simply by developing flexibility in the scapula, wrist and shoulder without any additional gains in strength. Our program takes you through complete development of the pose. While core and back are strengthened, much needed upper body flexibility is mastered. Most people master this pose in several weeks. Forearm Stand, Feathered Peacock, Pincha Mayurasana While strength is a component of this pose, flexibility is of outmost important. Many people master this pose simply by developing flexibility in the upper body, and a sense of awareness in space. Our program takes you through complete development of the pose. While core is strengthened, shoulder and scapula flexibility is quickly improved. Most people master this pose in several weeks. Kurmasana, Tortoise Pose, Pancake Stretch A traditional yoga method of obtaining this pose can take many years. The reason for this is because yoga poses usually focus on many muscle groups at the same time. Our program is very different. The pose is quickly broken up into it's components. Each is targeted quickly with Zaichik Stretching techniques. Principles of creating space in the same muscles through multiple actions is used. This allows for quick flexibility development, while avoiding the stretch reflex. The progress comes much faster, than with standard yoga techniques. Eka Pada Sirsasana Foot Behind Head Pose A traditional yoga method of obtaining this pose can take many years. The reason for this is because yoga poses usually focus on many muscle groups at the same time. Our program is very different. The pose is quickly broken up into it's components. Each is targeted quickly with Zaichik Stretching techniques. Principles of creating space in the same muscles through multiple actions is used. This allows for quick flexibility development, while avoiding the stretch reflex. The progress comes much faster, than with standard yoga techniques. Handstand There are three sections. The conditioning section. The progression section, which also include extra exercises, if additional help is needed. And the serratus activation section. Two types of progressions are covered. The strength progression is developed for people who have strong overhead press. This progression allows to develop the handstand through controlling how low the center of gravity is. The flexibility/balance progression works on mastering the handstand for flexible, but less strong people. This program focuses more on body control. The two progressions can also be combined for even faster handstand mastery. Click the BUY NOW BUTTON to get the 19 online programs that you can watch from any device! Please note: that these are not downloadable programs, nor are these programs available in DVD format. All our programs are Pre Recorded Online On Demand Video Strength & Flexibility Training Programs. Once you place your order, you will receive an email containing your login information on how to login to your very own online library which will contain all the programs that you purchase from us. This is an online library, which you can access any time that you wish from any device, phone, computer, ipad. There is no time limit for you to view your programs, you get to keep them in your library indefinitely, and access them any time, anywhere, and for as long as you want to! You may also be interested in Yoga Combo 1 This package contains: Butterfly LocustDownward Facing DogBack Bridge LEARN MORE Yoga Combo 2 This package contains: VisvamitrasanaBird Of ParadiseLocust ScorpionDouble Hamstrings LEARN MORE Don’t see what you want? Need help selecting a program? Want to buy more than one program? We can put together a one step checkout for you with all the programs that you wish to buy so you don't need to keep clicking the buy now button over and over again and can checkout one time with all the programs you need.We’re here for you! Just send us an email to [email protected] describing your goals and we will help select the right program for you! Enough time wasted! Enough time wasted!Stop wasting time and money, risking your health, hitting plateaus,wondering how to reach your goal instead of working towards it!Start your EasyFlexibility Yoga Combo right NOW andstart your journey to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle right away!