Being out on the water is liberating, especially with the right gear. Before you take your next stride into a new adventure, make sure your gear can keep up with the wild.
Our Performance Fishing Shorts are known for exactly that. Whether you wear them for a rambunctious ride on the rapids, or a peaceful row on a glassy lake, they’ll keep you comfortable the entire trip. These shorts are quick drying, breathable, and super light. Featuring plenty of pockets for the tools and gadgets vital to your mission, you’ll be ready to take on the piscatory world with style.
We believe your outdoor gear should last as long as your adventures do. That’s why we create our Performance Fishing Shorts using the most advanced technology available. Gone are the days of fishing shorts that tear/stain/deteriorate easily — these shorts are built to last and maintain the pinnacle of quality to the very end.
Favorite Features:
- Breathable mesh around waistline to prevent sweating
- Optimal air flow
- Quick-drying
- Micro-stretch for extra comfort & durability
- Plenty of pockets & zippers for keeping things put
- Lightweight
- Perfect for outdoor adventures
The Build:
- Material: Micro-stretch material & mesh panels
- Sizing: Available in 5 different sizes
Order your Performing Fishing Shorts today and keep the adventures coming!
**Blue only available without mesh